The 13th International Workshop on Urban Computing

9:00 AM - 1:00 PM, August 26th, 2024, Barcelona, Spain

Room Number: 119

Held in conjunction with the 30th ACM SIGKDD 2024



Urban computing is a process of acquisition, integration, and analysis of big and heterogeneous data generated by a diversity of sources in urban spaces, such as sensors, devices, vehicles, buildings, and human, to tackle the major issues that cities face, e.g., air pollution, increased energy consumption and traffic congestion. Urban computing connects unobtrusive and ubiquitous sensing technologies, advanced data management and analytics models, and novel visualization methods, to create win-win-win solutions that improve urban environment, human life quality, and city operation systems. Urban computing also helps us understand the nature of urban phenomena and even predict the future of cities. Urban computing is an interdisciplinary field fusing the computing science with traditional fields, like transportation, civil engineering, economy, ecology, and sociology, in the context of urban spaces.

The objective of this workshop is to provide professionals, researchers, and technologists with a single forum where they can discuss and share the state-of-the-art of the development and applications related to urban computing, present their ideas and contributions, and set future directions in innovative research for urban computing. Particularly, at KDD 2024 this workshop targets people who are interesting in sensing/mining/understanding urban data so as to tackle challenges in cities and help better formulate the future of cities. This workshop also well aligns with the topic of KDD 2024, data mining for social good.

Publisher: MIT Press
Authors: Yu Zheng
Year: 2019
ISBN: 978-0-2620-3908-6
Download PDF


Call for papers

The goals and framework of urban computing result in four folds of challenges in the context of data mining:

  • Adapt machine learning algorithms to spatial and spatio-temporal data: Spatio-temporal data has unique properties, consisting of spatial distance, spatial hierarchy, temporal smoothness, period and trend, as compared to image and text data. How to adapt existing machine learning algorithms to deal with spatio-temporal properties remains a challenge.

  • Combine machine learning algorithms with database techniques: Machine learning and databases are two distinct fields in computing science, having their own communities and conferences. While people from these two communities barely talk to each other, we do need the knowledge from both sides when designing data analytic methods for urban computing. The combination is also imperative for other big data projects. It is a challenging task for people from both communities to design effective and efficient data analytics methods that seamlessly and organically integrate the knowledge of databases and machine learning.

  • Cross-domain knowledge fusion methods: While fusing knowledge from multiple disparate datasets is imperative in a big data project, cross-domain data fusion is a non-trivial task given the following reasons. First, simply concatenating features extracted from different datasets into a single feature vector may compromise the performance of a task, as different data sources may have very different feature spaces, distributions and levels of significance. Second, the more types of data involved in a task, the more likely we could encounter a data scarce problem. For example, five data sources, consisting of traffic, meteorology, POIs, road networks, and air quality readings, are used to predict the fine-grained air quality throughout a city. When trying to apply this method to other cities, however, we would find that many cities cannot find enough data in each domain (e.g. do not have enough monitoring stations to generate air quality data), or may even not have the data of a domain (like traffic data) at all.

  • Interactive visual data analytics: Data visualization is not solely about displaying raw data and presenting results, though the two are general motivation of using visualization. Interactive visual data analytics becomes even more important in urban computing, seamlessly combining visualization methods with data mining algorithms as well as a deployment of the integration on a cloud computing platform. It is also an approach to the combination of human intelligence with machine intelligence. The interactive visual data analytics also empower people to integrate domain knowledge (such as urban planning) with data science, enabling domain experts to work with data scientist on solving a real problem in cities.

Topics of interest include, but not limited to, the following aspects :

  • Urban sensing technologies

  • Urban data management technologies

  • Managing urban big data in the cloud

  • Anomaly detection and event discovery in urban areas

  • Cross-domain knowledge fusion

  • Trajectory Data mining techniques and applications

  • Interactive visual data analysis

  • Urban computing for urban planning

  • Urban computing for transportation systems

  • Urban computing for the environment

  • Urban computing for urban energy consumption

  • Urban computing for social applications

  • Urban computing for the economy

  • Urban computing for public safety and security

  • Federated learning for urban computing

  • Advanced machine learning and data mining techniques for urban data

  • Foundation models and large language models for urban computing

We invite two kinds of submissions:

  • Full research papers – up to 9 pages (8 pages at most for the main body and the last page can only hold references)
  • Vision papers and short technical papers - up to 5 pages (4 pages at most for the main body and the last page can only hold references)

All manuscripts should be submitted in a single PDF file including all content, figures, tables, and references, following the new Standard ACM Conference Proceedings Template.

For LaTeX users: unzip, make, and use sample-sigconf.tex as a template; Additional information about formatting and style files is available online at:

Papers should be submitted to urbcomp2024_submission

Paper submissions need to include author information, it is not double blinded.

Each paper will be assigned to two reviewers for a peer review.

We will set one best paper award according to the review results and presentation of a paper.

Workshop paper submissions: May. 28, 2024June. 11, 2024, mid-night 23:59 anywhere on Earth (AoE) UTC-12:00
Workshop paper notifications: June 28, 2024
Camera-ready: July 8, 2024
Workshop date: August 26, 2024
Copyright © UrbComp 2024